Ball Sort Puzzle Solver

Over the Christmas and New Year holiday, I got into playing “Ball Sort Puzzle” – a simple concept for a puzzle game with straightforward rules, but which can be surprisingly tricky to solve.
I thought it was an interesting problem to think about how to write a program to solve these puzzles – so I wrote one in Python. It’s a pretty naive recursive backtracking solver (I only spent a couple of hours writing it) – and it could be more efficient – but nevertheless it works and it’s available on Github here.
I also included a script to generate random puzzles of any size. Not all of them have a solution (particularly as they get bigger) but it’s surprising how many of the random puzzles can be solved.
hi sir, my name I Made Suardika from Bali, im relative new to Game Development, currently only understand Unity and C#, i found your github when looking for Ball Sort Puzzle Solver, its take me some times to understand that and then manage to convert that to C#, its worked so well….so i’m planned to release my own Ball Sort Puzzle game and use Solver that i convert from your python code as my solver, but anyway i also planning to Make a course to create this game, may i get your permission to use your solver for it, for my course???
Lastly sorry if i make word mistake, my english is not to good, Hope you doing well during this COVID-19 pandemic
Sorry for the delay replying, I didn’t see your comment was stuck pending approval.
The code is released under a permissive MIT licence, so feel free to use it how you like!